2022 Air Cadet Summer Training Opportunities Pamphlet
General Information
Summer training is commonly referred to as summer camp by cadets. The hundreds of locally delivered Cadet Activities Program (CAP) Sites, along with the several Cadet Training Centres (CTCs) across Canada offer a variety of exciting and dynamic training courses. Some are located in unique settings and others offer specialized training, such as Trenton CTC where the training Centre’s focal point is flying training.
Regardless of where a cadet goes for summer training, they are certain to have a fun and rewarding summer. Summer training offers, for some, an opportunity to travel and meet new people from across Canada while learning.
Application Process
Level one and two cadets who are applying for the locally run Cadet Activity Programs will have a separate application process which is being developed. Level three, four, five and staff cadet applicants will apply using an online form which will be distributed internally through the Training Department.
Operating In A Pandemic Environment
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, all cadet program training and activities may be modified to safely operate in a COVID-19 environment. Further to this, at any time during the planning or execution of training and activities; including 2022 summer training, courses, billets, and/or delivery methodology may have to be altered, delayed, or cancelled based on changes in the COVID-19 environment.
Planning is actively underway to deliver the courses listed in this information brochure, in-person at CAP and CTC sites in 2022. A decision should be confirmed and announced in early May as to whether in-person CTC courses will proceed. To ensure all is ready in the event of a favourable decision, the application and selection process needs to proceed following normal timelines. All Air Cadet Serials are posted in Fortress and open to all squadron. All Air Cadet Selections will be made by RCSU Central J5.
Cadet Activity Program
Cadet Activity Program – Level One Cadets (CAP-1)
Cadet Activity Programs (CAP) are decentralized summer opportunities that augment the squadron program for all Proficiency Level One cadets. Experiential citizenship, fitness and Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Familiarization activities will leverage CAF and community facilities to provide an elevated experience linked to the Cadet Program aims and objectives. CAP-1 is a 5-day day-camp activity designed for 12-13 year olds, intended to build confidence and facilitate meeting other cadets through participation as a member of a peer-lead team in fun, safe, challenging and well-organized activities. Where decentralized local training is not viable, some cadets may have the option to participate in a 5-day overnight-camp activity located in centralized locations throughout Ontario.
Cadet Activity Program – Level Two Cadets (CAP-2)
Cadet Activity Programs (CAP) are decentralized summer opportunities that augment the squadron program for all Proficiency Level Two cadets. Experiential citizenship, fitness and Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Familiarization activities will leverage CAF and community facilities to provide an elevated experience linked to the Cadet Program aims and objectives. CAP-2 is a 12-day day-camp activity that includes a 3-day overnight component for 13-14 year olds, designed to build leadership and interpersonal skills, while fostering interest in future Cadet Summer Training (CTC) opportunities. Where decentralized local training is not viable, some cadets may have the option to participate in a 12-day overnight-camp activity located in centralized locations throughout Ontario.
Cadet Training Centre Courses – Level Three, Four & Five Cadets
Aviation Technology and Aerospace (ATA) Course
This two-week course provides cadets an opportunity to learn the fundamentals of aerospace, airport operations, and aircraft manufacturing and maintenance. Activities include model rocketry, astronomy, tours of local aviation and maintenance facilities, opportunities to use different tools and materials, and constructing models. The course is very hands-on and will inspire cadets to pursue opportunities in the aerospace and aviation field at the squadron and on future courses.
Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, have completed Proficiency Level Three training by 30 Jun.
Training Centre: Trenton CTC (Astra, ON)
Advanced Aviation (AA) Course
This four-week course (one-week distributed learning and three weeks in-person) provides cadets an opportunity to develop as a specialist with the skills and subject matter knowledge required to be an instructor and team leader for aviation activities. Activities include instructional technique, aviation communication and meteorology.
Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, have completed Proficiency Level Three training by 30 Jun, and be motivated to pursue flying training.
Training Centre: Trenton CTC (Astra, ON)
Advanced Aerospace (ASA) Course
This four-week course (one-week distributed learning and three weeks in-person) provides cadets an opportunity to develop as a specialist with the skills and subject matter knowledge required to be an instructor and team leader for aerospace activities. Activities include instructional technique, astronomy, space science, 3-D printing, prototype development and model rocketry.
Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, have completed Proficiency Level Three training by 30 Jun, and be motivated to pursue flying training.
Training Centre: St-Jean CTC (St-Jean, QC)
Survival Instructor (SI) Course
The aim of this four-week course (one-week distributed learning and three weeks in- person) provides cadets an opportunity to develop as a specialist with the skills and subject matter knowledge required to perform the duties of a Survival Instructor and team leader for aircrew survival activities. Activities include aircrew survival skills, team and solo survival exercises, aircrew survival exercise operations, instructional technique, and navigation by map and compass.
Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, have completed Proficiency Level Three training by 30 Jun, and be motivated to pursue flying training.
Training Centre: Blackdown (Borden, ON)
Drill and Ceremonial Instructor (DCI) Course
The aim of this four-week course (one-week distributed learning and three weeks in- person) provides cadets an opportunity to develop as a specialist with the skills and subject matter knowledge to perform the duties of a Drill and Ceremonial Instructor. Activities include advanced drill, instructional techniques and leadership in the conducting of parades and ceremonies.
Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, and have completed Proficiency Level Three training by 30 Jun.
Training Centre: Blackdown (Borden, ON)
Fitness and Sports Instructor (FSI) Course
The aim of this four-week course (one-week distributed learning and three weeks in- person) provides cadets an opportunity to further personal fitness and healthy living knowledge and skills, and develop as a specialist with the skills and subject matter knowledge to perform the duties of a Fitness and Sports Instructor. Activities include personal fitness, healthy living, conducting the Cadet Fitness Assessment, and leading physical activities. Cadets attending this course will also have an opportunity to progress in their Cadet Fitness Assessment Incentive Level.
Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, and have completed Proficiency Level Three training by 30 Jun.
Training Centre: Blackdown (Borden, ON)
Music Course – Military Band (MB)
The aim of this four-week course (one-week distributed learning and three weeks in- person) course provides cadets an opportunity to develop music skills ranging from basic to advanced to support participation in and / or leading corps/squadron military bands. Activities include music training and band activities such as music theory, music technique, band drill, leadership and performing ensemble music. Cadets attending this course will also have the opportunity to progress in their music proficiency level qualifications. Note: depending on music proficiency, cadets may undertake this course more than once.
Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, and have completed Proficiency Level Three training by 30 Jun.
Training Centre: Blackdown (Borden, ON)
Air Rifle Marksmanship Instructor (ARMI) Course
The aim of this four-week course (one-week distributed learning and three weeks in- person) provides cadets an opportunity to further personal marksmanship knowledge and skills and develop as a specialist with the skills and subject matter knowledge to perform the duties of an Air Rifle Marksmanship Instructor. Activities include marksmanship techniques, instructional techniques, and coaching. Cadets attending this course will also have an opportunity to progress in their marksmanship level qualification.
Prerequisites: Must be medically fit, have completed Proficiency Level Three training by 30 Jun, and be motivated to pursue marksmanship training.
Training Centre: Connaught (Ottawa, ON)
Glider Pilot Training Course (GPTC)
This is a six- or seven-week training program that results in successful candidates graduating with their Transport Canada Glider Pilot License.
Prerequisites: Cadets applying for the Glider Pilot Training Course must be 16 years old by September 1st of the year the course is taken, must successfully complete Proficiency Level Three by the end of the training year, applicants are required to pass a qualifying exam conducted and administered by the Air Cadet National Ground School, must have completed Grade 9 or equivalent (Secondary 3 in Quebec and Senior 1 in Manitoba) by the nomination deadline, must obtain a valid Category 3 Medical Certificate from Transport Canada, and must meet the minimum and maximum height and weight limitations. Further details can be found in CJCR Gp O 8060-7 – Air Cadet National Summer Training Course Selection Process.
Height and weight restrictions apply:
Height – minimum 5’0”/162.4 cm, maximum 6’3”/190.5 cm;
Weight – minimum 90 lbs/40.82 kg maximum 200 lbs/90.72 kg;
Training Centre: Trenton CTC (Trenton, ON), St-Jean CTC (St-Jean, QC) and Northwest CTC (TBD)
Power Pilot Training Course (PPTC)
The Power Pilot Training Course is a seven-week training program that results in successful candidates graduating with their Transport Canada Power Pilot License.
Prerequisites: Cadets applying for the Power Pilot Training Course must be 17 years old by September 1st of the year the course is taken, must successfully complete Proficiency Level Four by the end of the training year, applicants are required to pass a qualifying exam conducted and administered by the Air Cadet National Ground School, must have completed Grade 10 or equivalent (Secondary 4 in Quebec and Senior 2 in Manitoba) by the nomination deadline, must obtain a valid Category 3 Medical Certificate from Transport Canada, and must meet the maximum weight limitations. Further details can be found in CJCR Gp O 8060-7 – Air Cadet National Summer Training Course Selection Process.
Weight restrictions apply:
Weight – maximum 245 lbs/111.13 kg;
Training Centre: Various Flight Training Centres across Canada
Trial Course: Cadet Administrative and Supply Assistant (CASA)
The aim of this two-week in-person course provides cadets an opportunity to learn the fundamentals of administration and supply procedures, and the subject matter knowledge to perform the duties of a Cadet Administration and Supply Assistant. Activities include managing clothing and equipment, corps/squadron administration, and written communications.
Prerequisites: Must be medically and physically fit, and have completed Proficiency Level Four training by 30 Jun.
Training Centre: Blackdown (Borden, ON)
Staff Cadet (SCdt)
Ranging between one and seven weeks, staff cadets are the Non-Commissioned Officers of the Summer CAP sites and CTCs. A staff cadet can assist the officer staff with the instruction and supervision of cadets, or might be tasked in an administrative or logistical support roles. Rank and pay for staff cadets depend upon the position; this is usually determined during a pre-course training and evaluation period.
Prerequisites: Must be medically fit, have completed Proficiency Level Three training by 30 Jun, be motivated to lead, supervise, and instruct course cadets. A staff cadet applicant must be at least 16 on the 1st day of employment.
Training Centres: Blackdown (Borden, ON), Trenton (Trenton, ON), Connaught (Ottawa, ON), and many local CAP sites across Ontario.