50th Anniversary of 779 Black Knight Air Cadets

779 Logo 50th hat

The Sept 2018 training year marks the 50th training year for the Squadron.

Are you one of the thousands of cadets that attended 779 through the years?


As part of the 50th celebration, we are planning a couple events and printing a commemorative magazine.
We are looking to build an email list of past cadets, staff, involved parents to communicate with.

Due to ANTISPAM regulations, we need your permission to add you to the email distribution list.

We will not bombard you with emails and each email will have a unsubscribe button if you wish to leave.


Send an email to
Please include:
Were you a cadet, staff, SSC or parent volunteer
If a cadet your rank when you finished
If you were SSC or an exec on the parent’s group what was your role/tile
The year you left 779.

City/Town where you currently reside

As part of the Alumni, we will add you to the 779 Alumni Google Group to facilitate sending emails to the group.   Emails will be restricted to information about the 50th-anniversary plans and a few newsletters a year.

The 50th-anniversary magazine will feature some pictures from the past.   We will be looking for some help identifying everyone in the pictures.  Do you have a picture that is a good representation of a cadet year?  Feel free to send in pictures to 779Alumni@gmail.com

Please share this with any other alumni you know of.

Follow the current 779 activity on our Facebook page