Approximately $500 per cadet is raised by the squadron each year to deliver the program and activities.
While Cadets is “free” we rely on the parents and cadets to participate is our fundraising efforts to keep it “free”
Tagging is our single largest fundraiser. Tagging is where we have parents take cadets to local stores where they work the entrance and exit doors requesting donations. We tag once in the spring and once in the fall. This raises approximately 65% of the funds to run the squadron .
Parking. CWH Canada Warplane Heritage offers the squadron the opportunity to supply staff for managing the parking of vehicles at numerous special events that occur at CWH. We get paid per person per hour. This raises approximately 20% of the funds to run the squadron.
Gala. In November a fun night with dinner, games, raffles and dancing.
Bottle Drive. Once or twice a year we have a bottle drive collecting, sorting and returning beer and liquor bottles
Comedy Night Twice a year we get together for a social night at Club 54. All ticket sales proceeds support the squadron.
Lottery Tickets Each Family is requested to sell 1 book of 12 tickets @ $5.00 each. Half the money goes to the squadron and half goes to the provincial organization to support the glider program where each cadet gets to go gliding every year.
A rough guideline is we require approximately 50 hours of volunteer time per family to avoid having yearly registration fees. Please do your part to keep the program “free”
We do rely on all families to participate in Tagging, Parking and Lottery Tickets. Without everyone’s participation these fundraising events are not viable.